
#include "graphics.h"
voud setmousequeuestatus(int kind, bool status=true);
The setmousequeuestatus function is available in the winbgim implementation of BGI graphics. This function controls whether mouse events of a particular kind are queued for processing. If the status parameter is false, then mouse events of the specified kind are not queued. This means that each time a mouse event of that kind occurs, any previous events of the same kind are deleted. If the status parameter is true, then mouse events of the specified kind are queued, and each call to getmouseclick returns the details about the event at the front of the queue.

When a window first opens, queuing is turned off for all events.

See also

/* mouse example */ 
#include "graphics.h"
using namespace std;

int main(void)
    int maxx, maxy;  // Maximum x and y pixel coordinates
    int x, y;        // Coordinates of the mouse click
    int divisor;     // Divisor for the length of a triangle side

    // Put the machine into graphics mode and get the maximum coordinates:
    initwindow(450, 300);         
    maxx = getmaxx( );
    maxy = getmaxy( );

    // Draw a white circle with red inside and a radius of 50 pixels:
    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, RED);
    fillellipse(maxx/2, maxy/2, 50, 50);
    // Print a message and wait for a red pixel to be double clicked:
    settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 2);
    outtextxy(20, 20, "Left click several times!");
    divisor = 2;
    while (!ismouseclick(WM_LBUTTONDOWN))
        delay(5000); // Five second delay, so there might be a several clicks

    while (ismouseclick(WM_LBUTTONDOWN))
        getmouseclick(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, x, y);
        cout << "The mouse was clicked at: ";
        cout << "x=" << x;
        cout << " y=" << y << endl;
    // Switch back to text mode:
    closegraph( );

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